Corporate network install Rust && setup git && setup pip

Pub Date: 2023-09-01

## open powershell ```powershell #download rustup-init wget #set proxy $env:http_proxy="http://proxy.xj.petrochina:8080/" $env:https_proxy="http://proxy.xj.petrochina:8080/" #set rustup mirror $env:RUSTUP_UPDATE_ROOT="" $env:RUSTUP_DIST_SERVER="" #install nightly ./rustup-init.exe -y --default-toolchain nightly --profile complete ``` ## set environment variables in Linux Macos Windows ```sh #linux/macos export KEY=VALUE #windows powershell $env:KEY="VALUE" #windows CMD set KEY="VALUE" ``` ## set git proxy ```sh git config --global http.proxy http://proxy.xj.petrochina:8080 ``` ## pip install with proxy ```sh python.exe -m pip --proxy http://proxy.xj.petrochina:8080 install --upgrade pip pip --proxy http://proxy.xj.petrochina:8080 install -i python-opencv ``` ## npm install with proxy ``` npm config set proxy="http://proxy.xj.petrochina:8080/" ```